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 HI FRIENDS! I am so excited to share with you what God has been doing over the past few weeks! I've been thinking about the start of my apprenticeship with FOCUS for several months now- planning, fundraising, and mentally preparing- but I still feel like it snuck up on me! Our apprentice class hit the ground running starting July 31st with reading and classes. We are currently reading through the entire Old Testament, but other classes including Spiritual Leadership, Financial Stewardship and more will start within the next month. Our Old Testament class has been PACKED full of information. Even having read the Old Testament several times before, I feel like I've learned so much about God's heart for his people. All of 10 of us apprentices (plus Veronica's husband in the top left) at our monthly Sabbath dinner. It's been so sweet to get to know everyone better! I clearly thought we were taking a funny picture... We have also been doing lots of team building as the

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